Very chuffed…

Well last week I shot my first full Portsmouth round using my new(ish) compound bow. For the non-archers, the Portsmouth round is 60 arrows at a range of 20 yards onto a 60cm face. The thing is that compound archers, to score a 10, have a smaller inner gold to go for which is about 2 inches across. Everything else in the gold is a nine and then down from there…

Now I managed to score a very reasonable I thought 496 out of a possible 600 which for my first full round I felt was quite an achievement! Plenty of room for improvement (as in the 104 points I didn’t get) but it gives me a base to work from.

As Billy (my compound compatriot and unofficial coach) pointed out, get all 60 in at least the gold and you score 540 with the 10’s being bonus. Seeing as the 9 zone is a good 6 inches across, hopefully it won’t be too long before I get to that stage…

At least when I shoot in the Scotland Eastern championships held in Jan. 2010 I shouldn’t get the wooden spoon and make myself look a tit at this rate 😉

Exporting SSL certificates from cPanel/Apache

I was quite surprised today to find that there is no built in facility to export a SSL certificate through WHM/cPanel. We needed to move the certificate to our Windows network from our Linux box and it wasn’t as straightforward as you may think.

Still after a bot of googling we came up with the following steps to create a pfx file which is simple to import into IIS on Windows:

Step 1 – Get the key/crt files
You can grab these two files by going to cPanel > Manage SSL hosts. Just select the domain you are exporting and cPanel will then display the key and certificate (crt) files

Step 2 – Create the files through SSH
Now this part may be un-required but I couldn’t locate the path to the files so I simply logged into SSH as root and entered the following:

[root@host ~]#nano domain.key

Save and exit (CTRL+X confirm save)

Now you need to repeat this for the certificate file as well.

Step 3 – Create the PFX file for export
OK now you have your crt and key files you need to create a pfx file for the export. For this we just use OpenSSL with the command:

[root@host ~]#openssl pkcs12 -export -out /home/pathtodomain/yourdomain.pfx -inkey yourdomain.key -in yourdomain.crt

You will be asked to set a password and also confirm that password. This will create the pfx file in the domain root.

You can download the generated pfx file and import into IIS.