First and most likey last “Robin Hood”

Well on Wednesday after returning to the sport after a break of 18 years, I shot my very first and most likely last robin hood at 20 yards using a club bow and arrows! 🙂

Robin Hood

It was definitely more luck than judgement and after being informed I could keep the arrows as long as I shoot my own equipment from now on, the club were dead chuffed for me!

Personally I couldn’t quite grasp the significance of the event as the other guys gathered round with jaws agape but I guess it’s quite cool!

Oi! UPS! Where’s me flipping stuff!!

OK getting impatient now, UPS are supposed to be making a delivery to me today. Their site tracker says it’s currently on a van somewhere in Edinburgh.

What it won’t tell me that “Bob the driver” is currently on an extended lunch break, smoking copious amounts of nicotine and supping tea. So Bob if you are reading this, remove your thumb from where it shouldn’t be, get your arse in gear and deliver my stuff!!!

Granted he has until 7pm to deliver so knowing my luck he will roll up at 6:59:59 with a grin on his smug face. At this point I shall have to resist the urge to show him a new use for a 30″ carbon arrow (he’s delivering archery bits n bibs you see)




Hello Mum

Well I suppose I’d better say hello as I recently found out that my mum reads the blog. This worries me slightly as I can no longer swear, post rude cartoons or do anything else that might offend “she who must be obeyed” so I’d better keep this clean from now on 😉

Noce to know that I have more than one blog reader though!

Installing ColdFusion MX7 on Windows 7 Professional

OK this stumped me for a while but if you are trying to install ColdFusion MX7 on Windows 7 Professional and the installer is constantly quitting with the error “javaw.exe has stopped working” then try the following:

1) Extra all the content of the CF MX7 installation to a spare folder on your drive
2) Right-click the CFMX7Installer.exe file
3) Select “Troubleshoot Compatibility” from the context menu
3) Select “Try recommended settings” on the next screen

This should force the installer to run in Windows XP mode and will allow it to continue.

Oooh lookey, a new category!

Yep I have taken up a sport. This one doesn’t involve me running around, going underwater or wasting excessive amounts of energy though.

I’ve joined Lasswade Archery club up here in Edinburgh to occupy my mind two nights a week and to shoot long pointy sticks at inanimate objects. I last did archery when I was about 18 which was, erm, a long time ago, so I though I would give it another crack and honestly forgotten how much bloody good fun it is!

A real buzz when you get one in the gold and don’t actually kill anyone 😉

I’ve spent a few squid with the guys at Archery World getting me bits and bobs so once I get it all together I might even post some scores…