Dragons Den, not exactly fire breathing, more like smoking…

Well lets see what loonies they wheel in this week…

The DIY doll lady couldn’t be faulted for her enthusiasm but her product was cack, described as a one hit wonder would be right and I was surprised any of the dragons even raised an eyebrow in interest. TP delivered once again by slating the packing and quality, erm sorry mate but it’s being produced in her house so it aint gonna be top notch just yet is it? Muppet…

The learning cards lady got completely tied up in knots by her nerves. Overvaluing the company and not knowing her figures, not to mention losing the dragons and probably half the nation with her pitch, she did herself no favours at all. The dragons taking the mick out of her didn’t help, but oh wait, it’s entertainment isn’t it…

Bat poo and a folding iron board, no comment just don’t let the door bang you on the arse on the way out…

On target, great name for what I though what as a good product. It’s a fairly original idea on the sticky spiders you sometime see in pub urinals and I was very impressed with his pitch and his ability to stand up to the dragons attempting to extract the urine, no pun intended!

I was very surprised that they didn’t invest, good product and good sales so far but I have to ask, how on earth did he spend £70k of his own money on a product that is basically a floating ball that you wee on??

Anti-spiking drinks, erm I put my thumb in the top of my bottle and don’t leave it lying around. Wheel in two scantily clad models and although easy on the eye was a completely pointless exercise…

Not sure if the kebab bloke was crying or just sweating, either way it was another non-starter. So 17 minutes in and yet to see anything of value…

The alert couple couldn’t be more nervous by the looks of things but surely this is just another comparison site? It didn’t get me excited about it at all but the revelation that TPs better half plays online bingo is hardly surprising, probably for escapist reasons I would have thought…

Their projected figures were pretty unrealistic to be honest, why do people do this?? Fast route to the door by over valuing. PJ got angry about the other business and rightly so, he was spot on that he didn’t think thy would put their heart and soul into it. TP actually played an interesting game by throwing the equity question back to the pitchers, surprise, surprise after some suitably dramatic pauses and music (since when did DD become X Factor?) the 25% was rejected.

30% wasn’t exactly a move in the right direction either and unbelievably TP went for it!! I really cannot see him making that back but I suppose time will tell.

To be honest DD this week was a bit lame, they seem to be struggling slightly to find really solid ideas and real entrepreneurs. Remember the coin slot counters from last series? Brilliant original idea and had the dragons fighting over them. I only hope this series finds another winner like that but on this weeks performances I’m beginning to doubt it…